Should I Hire a Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney Before I File My Claim?

As with any other type of injury case, it can be difficult to decide when it’s time to hire a Charlotte workers comp attorney. Some people believe they’re better off hiring a lawyer immediately after their workplace accident. Others decide to wait to see if their claim will be approved before they speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer.

You Have No Idea if Your Workers Compensation Claim Will Be Approved

When you first suffer your workplace injuries, you have no idea whether your claim will be approved. Deep down, you hope that your employer will want to take care of you. If you work at a small or medium-sized firm, you may be right.

However, the more claims your employer approves, the higher their insurance premiums will be. If they think they can get away with denying your claim, they will. This means that your medical care will not be covered, and you will not receive weekly benefits while you recover from your injuries.

There Are Certain Things You Need to Do Early to Protect Your Rights

Most people who go out on workers’ compensation have never had to do so before. They aren’t sure how to file their claim or report their injury. They may not know how long their employer has to respond to their claim.

It’s also important to remember that your employer may try to take advantage of you if you don’t have a Charlotte workers comp attorney. They will assume that you’ll simply return to work or take unpaid time off while you recover.

Your Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney Will Make Sure You Report Your Injury Properly

One benefit of hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte as soon as you’re hurt is that they will make sure you report your injury properly. They can even speak to your supervisor or human resources director on your behalf.

If you don’t report your workplace injury within 30 days, you will lose your right to file for workers’ compensation. While your employer would never actively make this happen, they certainly will have no motivation to remind you to report your accident. That’s something your Charlotte workers comp attorney will do.

Your Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney Will Also Make Sure You Get the Benefits You Deserve

The other good thing about hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte early is that they will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. For example, if the insurance company denies your claim, they will try to negotiate payment.

Another situation where you would need an attorney is if the insurance company isn’t paying you the correct amount in weekly benefits. Your Charlotte workers comp attorney will demand that your employer review your wage and hour reports and provide them to the insurance carrier.

insurers will try to deny your workers comp claim

You Can Still Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Charlotte if Your Claim is Denied

If you do attempt to handle your workers’ compensation claim on your own, that doesn’t mean you can’t hire a lawyer later. If your claim is denied, you are certainly welcome to contact a worker’s compensation lawyer in Charlotte.

Your attorney will find out why your claim was denied and demand specific reasons for the denial. They will also gather the necessary evidence to appeal your claim.

If your claim is denied, you do have the option of filing a complaint with the North Carolina Industrial Commission. If you believe that your employer or their insurance carrier denied your claim in bad faith, you may be entitled to benefits as well as attorney’s fees.

A Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney Can Also Help if You Need to File Suit Against Your Employer

If your employer doesn’t have the legally required workers’ compensation insurance, you may be able to sue them for personal injury.

You may also have grounds to sue if your injury was caused by your employer’s intentional misconduct. In other words, your employer did something that was virtually certain to cause a serious workplace accident.

You don’t want to handle a lawsuit on your own. Not only can it be complicated, but you also want to be on equal footing with both your employer and the insurance company.

Ultimately the Decision Is Yours to Make

Whether you decide to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte is entirely up to you. No law says you have to hire a lawyer. The reason so many people choose to hire a Charlotte workers comp attorney early is for protection.

Like it or not, you are at the mercy of your employer when you suffer a workplace accident. You hope that they’ll do the right thing and approve your claim. If this doesn’t happen, you will end up with no income and no medical care.

Your Employer is Probably Hoping You Don’t Hire a Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney

It may not seem fair, but there is a good chance your employer is hoping that you won’t hire a Charlotte worker’s compensation lawyer. They know that if you hire a lawyer, they will not be able to take advantage of you.

For workers who are not represented by an attorney, there is always a chance that they will be forced to come back to work early. They may also not receive the benefits that they’re entitled to. Hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte can prevent these things from happening.

Contact Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Charlotte Today!

If you suffer an injury at work, you should be able to count on your employer to take care of you. After all, you would not have gotten injured if it weren’t for your job. Unfortunately, our Charlotte workers’ compensation lawyers have learned that this isn’t always the case.

Depending on the facts surrounding your work-related accident, your employer may decide to deny your claim. Or they may only approve you for partial benefits. You can avoid this happening if you hire a workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte early in the process.

We do offer all new clients a free, initial consultation. This gives you the chance to decide if you want to hire an attorney. Since the appointment is free of charge, you risk nothing by sitting down with an experienced Charlotte workers comp attorney.

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