Archive for Personal Injury

Charlotte personal injury attorney
Personal Injury

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney: Suing the City

Normally, when a Charlotte personal injury attorney meets with a new client, it’s because they want to sue somebody for damages. Sometimes they are looking to sue another driver after

Local Houston Injury Firm
Personal Injury

Negligence Laws in North Carolina

Negligence is the basis for most personal injury cases. It is a legal theory that the negligent actions or inactions of one party led to the injuries of another party. To

Personal Injury

How Much Is My Injury Claim Worth?

In personal injury cases, the worth of your case is directly related to the extent of your injuries. Medical expenses, along with other injury related costs, are largely considered in the court’s calculation

North Carolina Statute of Limitations

NC Car Accident Statute Of Limitations A statute of limitations is the specific amount of time that you have to file a personal injury claim within a court of law. Every state

workers-compensation approved
Personal Injury

Determining Who Is At Fault For An Injury

You are injured at the hands of another and you want to file a claim for compensation. But before doing so, you must determine who is at fault for your

judges gavel hitting table
Personal Injury

Do I Have To Go To Court To Get A Settlement?

It is not required that you in appear in court in order to reach a settlement. Settlements agreements are often made prior to a court appearance. The necessity of a

This image shows a woman analyzing a settlement agreement after a neck injury Mooresville personal injury lawyer
Personal Injury

Different Types Of Personal Injury Cases

Injuries occur in a variety of ways and under numerous circumstances. for this reason, there are a wide variety of personal injury cases. The following is a list of some personal

Personal Injury

Determining Damages In A Personal Injury Claim

One of the most important aspects of your personal injury claim is determining personal injury damages that are proper and at what amount. To best complete this task it’s important to understand

1 Charlotte Workers' Compensation Lawyers | Personal Injury Lawyers

Injured Due to an Accident? Don't Hesitate to Reach Out

Get the results you need with our aggressive team at 1 Charlotte Injury Lawyers.

We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us for your free case review!