When you suffer an injury at work, receiving medical treatment is crucial to your recovery and return to work. But what happens when your workers’ comp insurance provider denies coverage for certain treatments? Fortunately, a reliable Charlotte workers comp attorney can help ensure that you receive the medical care you need.
Here, we’ll explore how a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte can assist in cases where insurance providers deny essential medical procedures or treatments.
Overview of Workers Compensation
If you’ve been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can help you cover the cost of medical treatment and lost wages. However, you may be denied certain medical treatments if your employer or their insurance company doesn’t approve them.
Your Charlotte workers’ compensation attorney can help you appeal these denials and get the treatment you need. They can also negotiate with the insurance company to try to get them to cover the cost of your treatment. If necessary, they can take your case to court to fight for your rights.
What Is Not Covered Under Workers Compensation?
If you’re injured at work, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits. These benefits can include medical expenses, income replacement, and death benefits.
However, there are certain types of medical treatment that may not be covered under workers’ compensation. Some common examples of treatments that may not be covered include:
- Cosmetic surgery
- Experimental treatments
- Treatments that are not considered medically necessary
- Treatment that is not authorized by the workers compensation insurance company
If you’re denied coverage for a certain type of treatment, your Charlotte workers comp attorney can help you file a claim to get the benefits you deserve.
How to Determine if Medical Treatment is Covered?
If you’re wondering if a certain medical treatment will be covered by workers’ compensation, your Charlotte workers comp attorney can help.
In North Carolina, there are several factors that must be met for medical treatment to be considered “reasonable and necessary” and therefore covered by workers’ compensation.
- First, the treatment must be related to the work injury.
- Second, the treatment must be approved by the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC).
- The cost of the treatment must be reasonable. This means that it should not exceed what a similar treatment would cost if you were not injured at work.
As long as your workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte can show that you meet these criteria, the treatment should be covered.
It’s Important That You Only See Your Assigned Workers Comp Doctor
If you’ve been injured on the job, it’s important that you only see your assigned workers comp doctor. Your workers comp insurance company has a list of approved doctors that they will pay for you to see. If you try to go outside of this list, you may be denied coverage.
Your workers’ comp doctor is there to help you get better and back to work. They will know what treatments are covered by your insurance and can help you get the care you need. Trying to go outside of the system can only delay your recovery.
If you have any questions about your treatment or what your options are, be sure to ask your workers comp doctor. They can help guide you through the process and ensure that you’re getting the care you need.
If you find that you aren’t comfortable with your assigned doctor, make sure you let your Charlotte workers comp attorney know.
What if Your Workers Compensation Doctor Deems the Treatment Medically Necessary?
You may be wondering how important it is that your workers’ compensation doctor deems the treatment you need to be medically necessary. As your Charlotte workers comp attorney will explain, this is the most important factor when it comes to your treatment being approved.
In North Carolina, workers compensation pays for all medical treatment that is deemed necessary to treat a work-related injury or illness. This includes hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, and other types of care.
If your workers compensation doctor says that the treatment you need is medically necessary, your attorney can help you get the benefits you’re entitled to.
Your workers’ compensation doctor may also recommend certain types of treatment that are not covered by workers compensation. In this case, your attorney can help you file a claim for additional benefits.
For example, if your doctor recommends physical therapy but your employer’s insurance only covers chiropractic care, your attorney can help you file a claim for the difference in cost.
Can a Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney Help if You’re Denied Medical Treatment?
If you’ve been injured at work, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can help you cover the cost of medical treatment and other expenses related to your injury.
However, in some cases, workers’ compensation insurance companies may deny claims for certain types of medical treatment. If this happens, a Charlotte workers’ comp attorney can help you appeal the denial and get the treatment you need.
If your claim for medical treatment is denied, your workers’ compensation lawyer in Charlotte can appeal the decision. They’ll help you navigate the appeals process and present your case in a strong way.
With an attorney on your side, you have a better chance of getting the treatment you need to recover from your injury and get back to work.
Make Sure You Communicate with Your Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney
One important thing to keep in mind is that you have the right to hire a Charlotte workers comp attorney to represent you in your workers’ compensation claim. However, you need to be upfront and honest with them. This is true when it comes to your medical treatment as well.
Here are a few tips to help you communicate with your workers compensation lawyer in Charlotte.
- Be prepared to share information about your injury and how it happened. Your attorney will need to know all the details to build a strong case on your behalf.
- Be honest with your attorney about your injuries and symptoms. This information will help your attorney determine what type of benefits you should be entitled to receive.
- Keep track of all medical appointments, prescriptions, bills, and other documentation related to your injury. This will be very helpful for your attorney.
Reach Out to an Experienced Charlotte Workers Comp Attorney Right Away
If you’ve been injured at work and are seeking workers compensation, don’t hesitate to contact a Charlotte workers comp attorney for help. Your attorney can ensure that you get the treatment you need and the benefits you’re entitled to.
All you have to do is call our office so we can schedule your free, initial consultation.